Monday, November 17, 2014

Spooky Fire

On a run the other night were the caller was very specific; the flames were about 10 feet high and that was a really big fire in that backyard across the railroad tracks. So we got in our gear, turned on the lights and siren, and got ready for some hero like action.

In the neighborhood where the fire was reported, all was quiet. We slowed down, rolled the windows down to smell for smoke, and started searching. No smoke was wafting on the evening air, and one of the guys comments, "we should be smelling or seeing something by now!" After all, ten foot of flames is hard to hide on a dark evening.

Finally at the described address we sat - wondering where to look next. Then it hit me! The inflated Halloween ghosts decorations in the yard were well lit, waving in the light breeze, and...were about ten feet tall.

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