Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Real Stories of Real Characters

Two guys were trying some sort of process with illegal drugs. Apparently the process involved butane (flammable gas) and a pressure vessel. While working on the process, they decided to take a break and smoke (presumably some of their product). The fact they chose to combine the process of flammable gas and an ignition source is probably a testimony to the declining cognitive powers of those using illegal drugs. Anyway, the resulting explosion put both of them in the burn ward and burned down a significant part of their house.

Late in the evening, we were dispatched to a chest pain call in a working-class neighborhood. We were somewhat surprised to find a very well dressed middle-aged woman sitting on the steps of a house. It was apparent that she was very stressed and was having a hard time talking while catching her breath. She handed us an engraved calling card that indicated that she lived in California. When asked why she was having chest pain, she stated that she had been running (in heels and a smart business suit). That of course, led to "why were you running?" Apparently, she was in town to visit her sister, had been in a taxi, and that is when things got weird. The taxi driver (likely a relative of the guys above) seemed to be having a psychotic episode that included yelling and screaming, jumping curbs, and sliding corners. When the poor lady begged to be let out, he gave her a chance to make her getaway. She then "ran for her life" ended up on a stranger's porch and was having chest pain.

Note to self: avoid the taxi where is driver is talking to an invisible person without the benefit of a cell phone or radio...

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