Friday, September 08, 2006

Lots of Characters

People are interesting... we were driving back to the station today and saw a column of black smoke coming from a house. We immediately went into emergency mode and went to fight the fire. Only problem - it was a couple of intellectually challenged guys burning trash in their fireplace. Not only was it a warm day, but they were burning (illegally) some really nasty plastic junk. I am not sure really why, but it is common for people to burn things in order to not pay for garbage service. Really seems to make the neighbors angry.

Then of course there is the wise man who thought he would dispose of his Christmas tree by burning it in the fire place. The tree (being a tree of usual Christmas tree size) did not exactly fit neatly into the fireplace. The simple solution, stick the tip in, wait for that to burn off, and then advance the tree on into the fireplace. Theoretically, it could work, but not with a tinder-dry Christmas tree. It promptly detonated into a raging fireball, set the room of fire, and sent the frugal tree-disposer to the hospital.

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