Sunday, September 09, 2007

Did I Actually Say THAT?

Every once in a while, we forget about the public that tends to notice everything we do and say. In particular, it is common to say something on an emergency scene that is badly misunderstood or taken offensively. A classic example of this is when a paramedic says to "bag 'em". We in the know, understand that to mean "get a bag-valve mask and assist the patient with ventilation." The family nearby interprets, "time for one of those body bags" and their loved one is dead. Like I said, this one has happened on more than one occasion.

On a medical call in a elderly couple's home recently, it was apparent that the gentleman with some slight chest pain, also had some dementia. After he answered the same question several times and was confused about his date of birth, we had a bit of discussion about his dementia and whether it was getting worse. As we were chatting with the couple, their family, and a few neighbors that stopped by for the entertainment, it was determined that perhaps we should call the patient's doctor. The wife says, "sure, use this phone" and hands a tv remote to our young paramedic. After a brief look of confusion on his face, be blurts..."I thought he was the one with dementia..." As the rest of the crew stared at him stunned, the wife quickly laughed and we all got a good chuckle out of that one.

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