So when we were dispatched once again to a chest pain call - I was grumbling. It was late in the evening, the location was the same old place we had been responding to all day. As we went en route, we got a bit more information - the patient was a 39 year-old female and had just walked in off the street, smelling of alcohol. This elicited and whole new line of grumbling and complaining as this was sorting out to be a transient who probably just wanted a warm place to sleep for the night.
Once we arrived, the grumbling stopped (at least the verbal part) even though one of the first things we discovered was that she had anxiety problems, for which she was taking medication. At least that made sense, because she did appear anxious.
But then, even though there was a bit of alcohol odor, she was not intoxicated, was clean, articulate, healthy, etc. About this time, I was thinking we might have miss-judged the situation. A quick EKG and it was confirmed. At a heart rate of over 180, she was quickly headed towards complete cardiac failure and death. The grumbling suddenly was ancient history as we started an IV, delivered Adenosine, momentarily freaked her out completely as the medication stopped her heart for about 2 or 3 seconds, and then we all (especially the patient) breathed a bit sigh of relief as her heart rate returned to normal and she was fine.