Found out today that my crew and I had our picture published in a magazine. It was kind of a nice story about a couple of boys (one of which was blind) that came home and thought their house was on fire. They called their dad on the cell phone and he called 911. When we arrived, we found that an attic vent fan had started an attic fire. We were able to crawl up into the attic and put the fire out with minimal damage to the house. It turned out that he was a magazine publisher and asked if he could take our picture since we saved his whole home/office based business from going up in smoke. He took the picture with the boys and then published it (the photo is scanned from the magazine). Unlike the caption indicates, I am am the one in with the red helmet and not Jon the firefighter who actually did all the hard work in a very hot attic on a very hot day.
Well, today we got our copies of the magazine which is called Traditional Lowriding a features a lot of show cars and SoCal pictures of the lowrider scene. Only problem I have is that the issue we received featured a lot of very very scantily clad females draping themselves over the cars.
So, although it was an honor to get our picture published, it is not likely that I can show it around to say...my mother?